I'm a big hair loving girl! When I go out, I prefer a little beehive, and some teasing. Nothing gigantic like Amy Winehouse's do', but something a little similar, only on a MUCH smaller level. But I'm SO ready for a change. Lately, I strongly feel the need to step out of my comfort zone for awhile. What makes me nervous is that once the hair is cut, there's no quick way of going back.
I did have a chin-length bob about 7 years ago, and really liked it. I just remember feeling like I had to style it more often instead of just wash and go. WISH ME LUCK, I'm hoping to go through with some kind of cut within the next month, provided I work up enough courage to do it!
Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ♥
* Love these gorgeous big hair photos.*
Photo Credits: Julia Pogodina on the Behance Network.

* This is the short style I have in mind that I want, a sweet little bob with bangs. . . and I certainly wouldn't mind a little red tint either. ;)