The title of this blog post came from a shirt I bought for my son when he was just a toddler. I wish I would have kept that darling shirt, isn't it a perfect sentiment?
Did you know that March is
National Reading Month? Being a lifetime fan of reading since grade school days of Reading Rainbow, (LeVar Burton, you're my hero) I had to dedicate at least one post to books because they are such a PURE JOY to my life, and I'm grateful for them!
Some of my
favorite authors include: Barbara Kingsolver, Tom Robbins, Sandra Cisneros, Anais Nin, Anne Lamott and Louise Erdrich.
I also take great pleasure in finding
old poetry books in the library.
Don't even get me started on how much time I could spend in the library.
One year my son and I visited every neighboring town around where we live simply to check out the library in each one. It was blissful to me. :) And here's a little confession::
I love Children's literature too, so having a son gives me an excuse to read any of the cute books in the kids section out loud. I've had some of the sweetest moments in my life reading stories to my son. ♥ Reading is something I've always wanted him to cherish, it's SO important.
Now he's old enough to read to me. . . and who doesn't love being read to?
So. . . next time you want to do something special for someone you love,
READ A STORY, I PROMISE it will be time well spent.

"He fed his spirit with the bread of books." -Edwin Markham

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers."
- Charles W. Eliot

"The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,
And all the sweet serenity of books."
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"If you can read this, thank a teacher."
- Anonymous Teacher -

"We should read to give our souls a chance to luxuriate. " -Henry Miller

"Book lovers never go to bed alone."
- Anonymous
Please share your favorite authors in the comments, along with favorite titles. Would love to check out some suggestions next time I'm at the library!
Photos via Weheartit