1. Money origami. I still need a lot of practice, but I love giving these as little gifts, Friends and family are always happy to receive too. :)

2. Dr. Bronner's Peppermint soap. Makes for quite a tingly shower, and smells so delicious.

3. Vintage-themed mirrors by MyFavoriteMirror.Com
So cute, and every gal needs a little mirror for her purse.

4. Love these! Aromatherapy inhalers by EarthSolutions.Com
The perfect caffeine-free pick-me-up.

5. Absolutely ANYTHING created by designing genius, Alexander McQueen. He makes me sweat.

6. Thai Fresh Rolls. Could eat them every single day. Recipe here.

and. . .
7. We take many country drives in the summer time and this song is always part of the soundtrack for road music. . . See if you recognize any of the famous driving scenes in this awesome compilation.
Happy Saturday!