On top of that two of my siblings who currently live very near to me are moving away! While I'm super excited and happy for them, I'm a little sad on the inside because, well it's been so nice having family so close. I know I can count on them whenever I need to, and vice versa. Thankfully, my sis will only be about 20 minutes away, but my brother (and I'm literally holding back tears as I type this...) will be moving to the other side of the state - Lake Michigan, in fact. I know, I know, it's not *that* far, it's not like he's moving to the other side of the country or anything. I'm just very close to him and it will be so hard not to be able to see him as regularly as I do now.
Change is good though, right? I'm trying to stay positive about all of these changes. Trying HARD. It's always tough when people you love move away!
On the bright side, I'm excited about my son's school year. We've got soccer, orchestra, and chess club busy-ness for extra curriculars, but I've been actually PLANNING the Sunday before so things have been running smoothy. (YES!) Planning is way awesome (who knew?) :p
Additionally, my part time job as a writing tutor has been incredibly rewarding so far this term. I've met some AMAZING people and have made a few kind and wonderful women friends. Having this position has been such a good balance to working at home for me. It's seriously so inspiring to see how writing has positively affected people in their lives. Also, I love getting dressed up for work a couple of days out of the week. :) More about this later!
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, I'm thrilled about possibly expanding the shop this year with vintage books and jewelry. There's another little surprise in the works as well, but it's an idea that's just recently been born and I will tell you more about it after I know more.
Have a lovely week, babes!
♥ Jessica