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I was supposed to post these pics just after Thanksgiving, but I kinda got sidetracked with all of the other 9 billion things going on in my life right now. Isn't this time of year so crazy, you guys? We have to make sure everyone is taken care of on the Christmas list, all cards are sent out,(with proper addresses, stamped), and meanwhile I'm trying to keep the shop updated, and then working, and being a mama. . . WHEW! December definitely challenges us!
Initially at Thanksgiving I was bumming because my own little boy was going to be with his dad this year. But when I got home to Mom and Dad's I realized that this was the perfect opportunity to bond with my little nephew, Isaac. I had to share these pictures because I think this little boy's sweetness just shines right through in that smile. (I also had to post these because I promised I would put him "on the computer" so he could see himself) ;) Here's a funny little snippet about him: While we were all lounging around relaxing for the holiday, he asked me to get him some toast and jam and he had kindly said "please" with his request. I went up to him and said, "Thank you so much, Isaac. I love when little boys use their manners, that makes my heart so happy." He sat at the table for a second lost in thought and a moment later says to me, "Aunt Jessica, how does your heart feel when little boys do naughty things?" As hard as I tried not to laugh, I couldn't help it, I lost it!silly boy. Even though he lives 2 hours away, I'm so thankful to have him in my life!

"Aunt Jessica, I can show you my yoga moves."

Showed him some coin tricks.

That smile melts me!!


little rascal!

I wish my family lived closer. I've often thought about moving closer to them, but their internet is so slow (and it's "high" speed) that I'd have to probably give up my little etsy shop. No way, Jose! But it does make the time when we see each other all the more special. ♥