Vintage lover, (especially books and dresses!) Curious about most everything, avid eater of dark chocolate, library enthusiast, travel-hungry adventure seeker, and mama to a pre-teen. Say hello here: lolavintage{at}
As you might already know, I'm quite a big fan of Christopher Ross's belts, after finding this ribbon bow belt last May. Occasionally I will see what's available online and just yesterday I came across this one! It's a goldfish! How cute is that?!
On ebay right now from seller:diorbabej There's also another goldfish exactly like this one up for auction by tomkatca. So cool! I'll try to do a post about these awesome belts more often when I find new ones online. They're so unique, aren't they?
What does yours look like? Today mine is feeding my mind in the library. I could stay here all day long just looking at cook books alone.
My relationship with winter is on the rocks right now. This actually happens every year. How about you guys? There are, however, some positives about this time of year, right? I just feel like I need to be reminded of them on a daily (scratch that) hourly basis. ;)
"There is a privacy about winter which no other season gives you ..... In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter. . . can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself." -Ruth Stout
All of the browns in the shop are so pretty to me right now. I very much interpret this affinity to the color as to how tremendously I miss warm weather. Just being able to be outside without numb fingers. Can. Not. Wait.
"Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour." - John Boswell
"China tea, the scent of hyacinths, wood fires and bowls of violets - that is my mental picture of an agreeable February afternoon." -Constance Spry