I have a confession to make: There exists one item, one inanimate thing of this world that
I love even more than vintage dresses, yes it is true! It is the book. A book.
BOOKS. . .. . . which is why I will be
married to my local public library from now, the beginning of fall, until Spring of next year hits and I long to be outside again.
The library is
my perfect sanctuary pretty much throughout the entire year, but most especially during the colder months. If I ever get around to finishing my college degree, then one day you will find me in the house of books as a children's librarian. Every aspect of that career consists of things I'm passionate about. Kids, community, promoting literacy, and books of course.
I think that above face creams, the right diet and exercise, and all of the other stuff that's told to us in many popular magazines,
LEARNING is what ultimately keeps people young! Having something completely new to delve into at any given moment is what keeps your mind healthy and your heart content. At least, this is what holds true for ME. :)
I just had to write this post in celebration of
National Library Card Sign up Month!Free adventures, free laughs, free information, free travels, free recipes, free STORIES. . . really, does it get any better than your
local public library?
We may sit in our library and yet be in all quarters of the earth. ~John Lubbock
What aisles will you be browsing soon?

Recently checked out. . . ;)

Perhaps I'll finally give it a try *fingers crossed*

Working on this too.

I love having Photography books on the coffee table.

Have always wanted to read this book by Ayn Rand.
A friend suggested it years ago.
Audio books are one of the best inventions EVER!

But, of course! ;)

Ahhh. . . Who knew love came in rows?

No matter what you're looking for, I just know you'll find ↓

p.s. the title of this post comes from a rhyming book I read my son once about the love of libraries. I would suggest it to any mama who likes to read to their kids.
(hopefully that's all of the mamas!)