Sooo happy with this gold pencil skirt I recently came across while out thrifting. Initially, I thought of selling it in the shop, but when I tried it on and saw how it fit like a glove, I decided it had to be kept.
I'm still in the very long process of learning how to accessorize, (will likely be a life-long process for me) but one of my favorite accessories right now is that shiny little gold heart necklace. It's so cute.
I should have taken a better picture of that handbag, also thrifted. It has a map on both sides. So neat!
wait, lemme fix my hair ;)

High waist pencil skirts can sometimes have a very nice way of flattering the tummy area, a part of the body I currently struggle with, truth be told.

♥ ooh, shiny ♥

Cute black slingback wedges, thrifted.
Best feeling to find cute shoes in my size, it seems rare that I do.

I've always loved the feminine appeal of pencil skirts. Constantly on the look out for 'em.

The little grey t-shirt is paper thin and also thrifted. Don't you love those
incredibly butter soft thin cotton shirts for spring and summer?
I wasn't so sure how it would go with the skirt, but I liked how it made the
outfit feel very casual overall.