And guess what? They fit PERFECTLY.
Good Pants come to those who wait. ;)
Isn't it wonderful when fate works for you? Lol.
Love it!

Happy Saturday, gals!
Yes, it has been one helluva long week, and I'm sorry dear blog and blogger friends that I've been away. I promise to give you more attention this week. I have been up to a few fun projects though!
1. I've been video taping a couple of my friends' eco-conscious building projects, which includes styrofoam house foundations (very neat!)
2. I've been planning a move, which means getting rid of a ton of things I don't need. (teeny little non-vintage sale coming to the blog soon)
3. I've also been helping my dad here and there with harvesting his garden, and let me tell you the yellow squash and zucchini are OUT OF CONTROL. I think if I just sat and stared at them I could actually see them getting bigger. Wish I could send you all a few of these yellow and green veggies, dearies!
Hey, wait, maybe I can. . . after all, I AM planning to make a few (hundred) loaves of zucchini bread soon. . . ;)
Let's just see how they turn out.
When I was a little girl and helped my aunt make the bread I accidentally added salt instead of sugar. NOT GOOD.
A memory I will never forget, as it is reminded to me every harvest season. *sigh*
What have you all been up to?
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