It has been such a wonderful experience I don't even know where to begin. I was surprised that I hadn't even mentioned in my last post that Ms. Page was the star of the movie! In Whip-It she plays Bliss, a young girl stuck working at a little diner who wishes to somehow get out of her small town and find something she is passionate about. She ends up finding roller derby! Read all about it on the WHIP-IT imdb page!
We were in Birch Run all last week and it was a blast! The funniest part of my experience there was that this young teen girl and her mother followed me and a couple of other stand-ins to the ice cream store across the street from our lunch quarters. When I made eye contact with them they asked me if I was Ellen Page, and "could we please get a picture with you?" I laughed and told them I was only her stand-in, but they still wanted a picture with me, which was sweet. :) It was of course extremely flattering being told I look like a such a pretty young actress, but honestly we don't look much alike at all besides being the same height and both having dark hair. Regardless, it was a compliment I'll never forget! :)
TONS of Michiganders were lined up across the street watching the action on set. Work time could usually range about 12-14 hours per day, and there were devoted fans watching always. It was neat. Watch part of it HERE.
Isn't that huge pig hilarious? He looks so sad and reminds me of Wilbur from Charlotte's web. The diner (completely set up by crew) was an old diner that had went out of business and was made into THE OINK JOINT haha! I can't wait, I mean I REALLY CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS MOVIE! It just looks like it is going to be so much fun!
I also HAVE to mention, I have SUCH a HUGE new appreciation for the credits that come after a movie is over. It seems we often give actors and actresses so much of the attention for a film, (which of course they rightfully deserve) however, rarely do we realize how important the crew is. I simply CANNOT BELIEVE how many nice crew members I've met, and how hard they work every single day together as a team to make everything flow smoothly. It will be AMAZING to see all of this effort come together when the movie opens.
The happiest moment for me this week (we're now filming back in Detroit) is that Drew now knows me by my name, and she gave me a hug today. Rarely do I put people on a pedestal, but this girl deserves it. She is so focused right now and it is just awesome to see someone that I grew up watching go from being a little girl actress to a respected film director. Not only that, she is ALWAYS polite and thankful for our help.
Can't wait to get back to set tomorrow. It's always something different and exciting. I'll post more later. Goodnight. :)