Aug 21, 2009

Novelty Print of the Day -- 1930's Happy Penguins Dress

I'm sorry I missed the Novelty Print of the Day yesterday, gals. One of my dear friends popped in by surprise and it was so nice to see her! We went swimming, did crafts, and talked about boys. :) I completely lost track of time and was asleep shortly after she left.

I know I just posted a penguin dress very recently, but when I saw this sweet 30's dress, I had to feature it asap, as I fear it will sell too soon! I love the feminine styles of the 30's and this cream colored dress with black penguins is just adorable in every way!

For sale now by thirteeneightyfive on Etsy.

More prints coming all next week. Wishing you all a fantastic weekend!

Aug 20, 2009

Shop Update: Be Luminous

Rhinestones, glitter, metallic, sequins. Things that sparkle and shine attract light, and what attracts light attracts eyes. ♥ Exude radiance in these glistening items currently in the shop. xo

Aug 19, 2009

Novelty Print of the Day -- Dancing Cowboys & their Sweethearts 50's Full Skirt

Etsy seller VintageApparel has put a huge smile on my face today with this print! Love it! Everyone who knows me knows how much I fancy cowboys. This novelty print FULL 50's skirt sets the scene of what looks like a country barn dance, complete with hay, fiddler, and my favorite, dancing cowboys with their sweethearts! Look at those happy faces, they're all in love. *sigh*

Aug 18, 2009

I've been tagged. Perhaps this is my formal introduction?

Kerri, the owner of one of my favorite Etsy shops Ten Things has tagged me through her blog. Be sure to check out her shop, as you will find many lovely handmade jewelry items along with feather hairpieces you'll adore!

Okay, I'm supposed to share ten interesting things about myself. Hmmmmm. . .

1.My name is Jessica, and I am one of four children from a mom and dad who have been married for over 35 years!

2. I grew up in the country and what we've always called "the boonies" for most of my childhood. There was ONE grocery store and ONE gas station in our whole town at that time.

3. Though I'm the kind of girl who loves to get dressed up, travel, and appreciate life in the big cities, I remain a country girl at heart. When you live in the country your whole life and you long to escape, and you finally DO, after a while you realize that you miss what you had back then. I *love* nature. My parents have always had huge amazing gardens, and we were never without animals. We usually just had horses, but we've also had dogs, chickens, piglets, goats, sheep and cows. (Basically all of the farm animals you can think of.) :D

4. I've had a crush on Clint Eastwood ever since I was a little girl.

5. I have a very strong passion for literacy. When I was a kid I was crazy about Reading Rainbow, and wanted to work on the show when I grew up. ;) I've volunteered for a local program that helps adults learn how to read. I especially loved volunteering for another local program for kids that focuses on helping them write their own stories and poetry. I *love* kids. They have these imaginations that will amaze you beyond belief! When I finally get back to finishing my degree, I hope to one day have a career as a Children's librarian.

6. In my early 20's I was in a digital video class and every student in the class had to anonymously write a short movie. Out of the 31 movies written, the 4 receiving the highest number of votes were chosen to be produced and mine was one of them. That was an incredibly happy day for me!

7. I would love to make digital movies again. You know something is a true passion when NINE hours goes by and you're so into what you're doing that you didn't even notice that so much time had passed. *The creative process is magical that way.*

8. I couldn't live without my journals. I've been writing in a journal since I was about 12 years old. They are my most prized possession of all.

9. I like to call myself a dark chocolate connoisseur, though that is likely a bit of an overstatement. I DO, however, eat dark chocolate on average at least once a day. I'm happy to say that I can justify that because it is good for women. :D

10. I'm absolutely crazy about people who make me laugh, and love supporting live comedy whenever I can. "Laughter is an instant vacation." -Milton Berle

That was fun! It's nice to make your acquaintance. :) Now I'm supposed to tag 10 more bloggers. Here they are. Looking forward to hearing your ten things, gals.

Elena Daciuk
Sweet Pomona


Novelty Print of the Day -- Cool Penguins 70's GENE BERK Dress

Gene Berk was responsible for many of the Paganne dresses that we all so often admire. Apparently he had his own label called gb3 as well. Recently found this darling MOD maxi dress on ebay. Being a huge fan of penguins, and birds in general, I instantly fell in love with this dress!
Currently for sale by mvmarketplace.

Aren't they so cute mixed in with that bold mod print on black? Such a fun dress!

Aug 17, 2009

Novelty Print of the Day -- Beer Lover's Favorite 70's Jeans!

I laughed so hard when I found these odd and RARE 70's jeans on Etsy! I've never seen anything like this printed on a pair of JEANS before. Full beer mugs, complete with foamy top are all over in front, back and on the pockets of these silly pants! The listing states that these jeans were owned by a former motorcycle club president back in the 70's. I love the history behind vintage clothing items, always makes me even a little more intrigued. For sale by bobbre1.

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