Return of the SWAMP LADY MONSTERS. (pardon my spotty mirror, I'm such a terrible housekeeper!)
My sis surprised me with a visit on Saturday. We ended up doing all sorts of girly things: homemade face masks, painting our nails, dressing up, having a lil' 2 girl dance party in my small apartment, and of COURSE talking about boys... :-p
My mom keeps a framed picture of us together that says, "Sisters are Different Flowers from the Same Garden". Isn't it crazy how different 2 sisters can be? I joke with her that she's Sporty Spice & I'm Scary Spice. She likes yoga, I prefer dance. She wears cotton jersey EVERYTHING, prefers brand spankin' new clothes, and hates puff sleeves. As you know I love vintage, really don't have a strong desire EVER for the mall ('cept Sephora!), and prefer girly details in my outfits. Different indeed! But sisters can be wonderful friends by default, and this girl knows me through and through. Because of this, it's nice to get her perspective when things go awry in my life. Also, I think it's amazing how relationships with siblings change over time - from kids to adults. A little over a year ago she was going to move to California. I'm so glad she didn't!
We have a creative project we've just started and I can't wait to share details!!!
3 months ago