Vintage lover, (especially books and dresses!) Curious about most everything, avid eater of dark chocolate, library enthusiast, travel-hungry adventure seeker, and mama to a pre-teen. Say hello here: lolavintage{at}
In celebration of the LOVE HOLIDAY that will soon be here, there is a 20% off sale in the shop this weekend. Details in the shop announcement. Ends Sunday night, so get your orders in quickly. xoxo
Think of it as a little goodbye to grumpy old January and a happy HELLO to lovely February. (the way I see it, every single day I'm getting closer to spring...) ;)
Here are some options for Valentine's day straight from the virtual racks of Lola Vintage. Hope you find something you love!
"She's a rounder I can tell you that. . . She can sing 'em all night through. . . she'll raise hell about the sleep she's lost. . . but even cowgirls get the blues"
(Especially in the winter time)
My therapy was putting this cute outfit together. What do you think?
I love skirts you can wear a crinoline underneath and dance and twirl in! But you've got to know that my favorite part of this outfit is the boots. Those boots are sooooooo very dear to my heart and shoe closet. I wouldn't like this skirt half as much as I do now if it didn't have white eyelet lace at the hem. So purrrdy! Can't wait to tell you wear the dark denim bag is from! (see outfit info below) You know that wool sweater I'm always talking about on Twitter? THIS IS IT. My fave, ever! I count on this sweater almost daily to keep me warm. It has bunnies and deer on the front AND back. Almost TOO cute if you ask me. Cowgirl Outfit: Top: thrifted Belt: thrifted Skirt: in the shop Wool Sweater: thrifted and never ever selling. :) Denim Bag: A gift from the Amish People (My dad is friends with some up north) Boots: Thrifted YEARS ago, almost brand new condition when found and it was Love at first sight and wear. Me and these cowboy boots are a perfect match. ♥
Oh, dear blog readers I'm a cowgirl at heart and Nashville, Tennessee is one of my favorite places on earth. It was this song I was quoting in the first part of this post. How I love the words!
you know that feeling when you feel like your happiest self? like when . . .
you get together for drinks with one of your best friends? or. . .
when you are doing what you really love. . .
for me that would be shopping for vintage :) Or. . .(and one of the TOP THINGS on my list). . . when you're DANCING? Saw this video of Vanessa Bruno's latest collection featuring beauty Lou Doillon on one of my VERY FAVORITE blogs today. (the bleubird blog) and HAD to share it. I love it, just love it SO MUCH. It completely reminds me of how I feel when I'm my happiest self.
Hope you enjoy this. It's so CUTE I can't stop watching it! xoxo
I'm planning a road trip for the beginning of Spring. I don't even know where I want to go but honestly I'd LOVE to go out west. I've just been going crazy with cabin fever here in Michigan! I NEED OUT. ASAP. The sun has been scarce here lately.
Here's to a speedy spring!
Most of these items in the shop are very new arrivals!
Can you EVEN BELIEVE the beauty that is this dress? Omg, I nearly fell over when I found it while browsing through ebay. Imagine walking in a room with this on!
It's VELVET too. I'm really in love with the ruched bodice and full skirt, and the double straps and scoop neckline in front and back are also so very beautiful!
was more painful than the risk it took to Blossom."
- Anaïs Nin
Happy Monday, dear blog readers. We could all use a little extra inspiration on a Monday Morning, right? January is sometimes very hard for me to get through, I always feel like I'm trudging due to lack of sun light. . . so vitamin D tablets are the answer from now on! Today one of my twitter friends (@missdestructo) pointed out this article to me and I love it! If you, like me, currently find yourself in a cold climate needing a dose of happy, read 50 ways to Put the Light Back in your Heart. Hope you enjoy and here's to a happy, productive week!
p.s. Isn't that a pretty poem by Anais Nin? I love her writing so much. It's due time to blossom, even if it IS still winter. :)