Dec 10, 2010

She's the Prettiest of All!

Yes, my dears. . . I do believe that I'd have to say this new addition to the shop is the prettiest dress I've ever listed. I have truly adored many dresses I've listed online in the last 7 years, but never have I come across anything this lovely. . . the 30's are becoming my favorite era of fashion lately!

1930's Confetti Tulle Dress & Matching Bolero. Find her here.
(She deserved her very own post!) :)

Dec 8, 2010

The Cutest Mittens Ever Made!

Just fell in love with an Etsy shop this morning after seeing these.
I don't think I've ever seen mittens this cute in my life! They're made by Tiny Toad Stool on Etsy, and her shop is kind of a must see. Besides these adorable handmade hand-warming wool mittens, you'll also see some cute hats and  scarves mixed in with her creations. Wait until you see the detailed work on the berets. A M A Z I N G, and so worthy of sharing with you, my dear blog readers.


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