I was lucky enough to not only meet HIM this summer, but also work on the set of Drew Barrymore's WHIP-IT with him. His name is LANDON PIGG, and he was absolutely CHARMING to say the very least. So kind and approachable. (Not to mention adorable ;) When he initially appeared on set I had no idea who he was and so I asked around. "Apparently, he's a singer." "You've never heard of Landon Pigg?" and "Indie rock artist," were just a few of the responses I received.
My favorite memory of Landon on the set was when (without going into too much detail) while I was standing in for Ellen Page, I was very afraid of this particular pool scene near water that they were getting the camera ready for. He gave me two high fives and kept telling me I was going to be ok and to not be worried or afraid, that I would do just fine. It was SO SWEET. It really did put me at ease a little. I just remember thinking. "He is so thoughtful." It was comforting that he was so down-to-earth and personable like that.
So after the movie wrapped, I did a little research on Mr. Pigg. I went to his Myspace page and was honestly WOWED by his voice. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I felt like his voice was a cozy little place I wanted to hang out in. My favorite especially is the "Coffee Shop" song. Lovely, lovely love song. It seems it is getting popular these days and for good reason. I was so happy when I heard it in Barnes and Noble today. I think of that cute boyish young man every time I hear it. I also love that he is from Nashville. My first trip to Nashville was last year and I LOVED it. I had waited to go there for SO LONG. One day on the set he complimented me on this Hank Williams Sr. T-shirt I was wearing too! The best was when I would see him sometimes singing to himself here and there, it brought a smile to my face. :)
Since I love introducing people to new things, if you haven't already heard his music, please take a moment to listen HERE.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Below are some pictures of Mr. Cutie Pie while he was in Michigan. I really hope I run into him again someday!
Ypsilanti, MI, Summer of 2008, Downtime during the filming of WHIP IT!

I miss the set SO much sometimes. It was so awesome to meet so many cool people during filming.

I'm so glad I did my research on Landon. One thing's for sure, he's got himself a loyal new fan. :)