Dec 8, 2010

The Cutest Mittens Ever Made!

Just fell in love with an Etsy shop this morning after seeing these.
I don't think I've ever seen mittens this cute in my life! They're made by Tiny Toad Stool on Etsy, and her shop is kind of a must see. Besides these adorable handmade hand-warming wool mittens, you'll also see some cute hats and  scarves mixed in with her creations. Wait until you see the detailed work on the berets. A M A Z I N G, and so worthy of sharing with you, my dear blog readers.




  1. These are too cute, i have never seen anything like them.

  2. oh my lord I love these, you are right so pretty, the colours!! however mittens make my fingers so claustrophobic..."let me ouuuuttt"....Ax.

  3. I've totally had that last pair of gloves in my favorites for well over a year. I'm too old for them and my niece is too young, so wait they will.

    ps: I'm going to have to stop visiting the blog until that dress of the week is either taken down or sold. It's too fracking tempting!


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