Oct 4, 2010

The Better To Calm You With, My Dear

I must listen to this song about 75% of my mornings upon waking and having coffee or tea. There was a time before I knew the name of it when I was trying to find it online, going crazy because I'd heard it again somewhere and knew it was familiar to me. . . the strangest things. It was from a movie I watched when I was a little girl. I couldn't believe my mind remembered it.

It's my favorite of all classical pieces; incredibly beautiful and calming, and seems to go through such a range of emotions. I think it works wonders in the de-stressing area. Hope you enjoy, dears.


Beethoven 5th Piano Concerto "Emperor" 2nd Mvmt.


  1. I don't usually listen to classical music, but this is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I used to liste clasical music when I was a child and these song remind me my cot and my toys :)

    I follow you, your blog is great!!




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